The first cases of the Omicron variant have been identified in Scotland with four in Lanarkshire. Scientists are still working to understand the variant. Until more is known we must be cautious and do everything we can to minimise the risk of spreading infection. Therefore, we must all: Take up all vaccinations and booster jabs […]
Category: Covid-19 Latest
Scotland is facing Thatcher levels of unemployment and hardship again. The furlough scheme must be extended and the £20 top up to Universal Credit must be made permanent and extended to older welfare payments.
MP MARION CALLS FOR EXTENSION OF CORONAVIRUS INCOME SUPPORT SCHEMES AND INTRODUCTION OF UNIVERSAL BASIC INCOME Figures from the UK Government have this week revealed that 50,300 people in North Lanarkshire have benefited from schemes to protect employed and self-employed workers’ incomes during the Coronavirus crisis. In North Lanarkshire, 41,800 people have been supported through […]
BA AND ROLLS-ROYCE ANNOUNCE REDUNDANCIES AND ‘FIRE AND RE-HIRE’ WITH REDUCED RIGHTS This week, Motherwell and Wishaw MP, Marion Fellows, has defended workers of British Airways (BA) and Rolls-Royce (RR) and condemned the decision to sack hundreds at RR, and fire and re-hire thousands on contracts with reduced terms and conditions at BA. BA have […]
“THERE CANNOT BE ONE RULE FOR THEM AND ANOTHER FOR THE REST OF US” Motherwell and Wishaw MP Marion Fellows has joined calls for Boris Johnson to sack Dominic Cummings – after it emerged that police investigated the Tory Prime Minister’s most senior advisor for breaking his own government’s lockdown rules. Over the weekend, it […]
ROYAL MAIL MUST PROVIDE CLARITY ON WHEN SERVICE WILL RETURN In a letter to Royal Mail CEO, Rico Back, SNP MP, Marion Fellows, has called for the Royal Mail to review its decision to end Saturday deliveries and for a guarantee and clarity on when full service will return. Ending Saturday deliveries goes against Royal […]