Former MP for the Motherwell and Wishaw constituency and the SNP’s candidate, Marion Fellows, will vow to keep fighting to protect Post Office branches in local communities if re-elected on the 12th of December.

Mrs Fellows spearheaded the campaign in Parliament to improve remuneration for Subpostmasters as thousands across Scotland and the rest of the UK threatened to hand in their keys as executive paypackets soared.

Mrs Fellows has previously met with Subpostmasters to hear firsthand how they feel about the new rates and if enough has been done to support them and protect the network from closures.

Mrs Fellows successfully pressured Post Office Ltd into a £37m package for Subpostmasters through improved subsidies and rates enabling them to stay in their posts.

She also pressured Barclay’s bank into a u-turn so customers can continue to make free cash withdrawals from Post Offices to protect financial inclusion; and ensured the UK Government continued Biometric Residence Permit collections in branches.

Last month at the SNP Conference, Mrs Fellows led calls for the Post Office to remain in public hands and for Royal Mail to be renationalised. She also called for branches to act as banking and government service hubs to ensure access to free cash withdrawals and vital services.

Commenting, Mrs Fellows said:

“Protecting our valued public services like the Post Office network from the managed decline and privatisation of profit driven Tories has been a key priority of mine and I have been succeeding for our Subpostmaster and communities. Our public services – like Royal Mail – must be in public hands so they can serve the public.

“If re-elected as the MP for Motherwell and Wishaw, I want to continue fighting to protect and improve our Post Office network so they can continue to provide the services communities rely on. This must include the re-opening of larger Crown branches like the one that closed in central Motherwell.

“The fight isn’t over. The Post Office network was at crisis point and it’s still in a precarious position. As banks leave our high streets and ATMs begin charging fees, people – especially vulnerable people – must have free access to cash. Post Offices can become banking and service hubs so that they can remain core to our communities.”