If you are concerned about not being able to pay an overdue tax bill or a bill due in the near future due to COVID-19, you can contact HMRC’s dedicated helpline on 0800 0159 559 – open from 8am until 4pm Monday to Friday.
I am aware that recent announcements have done little to provide assurances to self-employed staff. The announcements were welcome, but it is apparent from constituents’ enquiries that more must be done and I will continue to work towards increased support for those people.
This includes:
1. Raising the UK’s Statutory Sick Pay rate to the EU national average – and expand entitlement, including for the self-employed and those under the earnings threshold.
2. Delivering an immediate increase to Universal Credit and Child Benefit – increasing the Universal Credit monthly allowance to £100 per week, and issuing automatic grants on day one of application, not hardship loans.