From today, 10 hubs will open across North Lanarkshire for the children of key workers. Full details are available at The following schools will be open as hubs. Key workers are advised to take their child to their closest hub, where provision will be available between 9am and 3pm. All other schools will be fully closed.

• Kilsyth Academy, Kilsyth
• Chryston High School, Chryston
• Cumbernauld Academy, Cumbernauld
• Hilltop Primary School, Airdrie
• New Stevenston Primary School, New Stevenston
• St John Paul II Primary School, Viewpark
• St Ambrose High School, Coatbridge
• Our Lady’s High School, Motherwell
• Clyde Valley High School, Wishaw
• Calderhead Hugh School, Shotts

While the staff of these schools will operate the hubs in the first instance, volunteers have been sought to establish a rota system and all of that work is underway.

ASN schools will remain open for the children of key workers. We are assessing this position with a view to rationalising the number of ASN schools open. However, the assessment is more complicated due to the particular circumstances of the children involved.

Children of key workers requiring nursery provision should attend their normal nursery (if council-operated) or make direct content with their nursery (if a partner provider). In the case of council nurseries, further changes are likely to be made tomorrow and will be announced.

Free school meals will be available in these hubs to those entitled to them, but we are acutely conscious of the requirement for a more localised provision and will announce details of this as soon as possible.

It is essential, to stop the spread of coronavirus that people who can work from home do work from home. If a key worker has a partner who is not a key worker, they must provide childcare at home. This is not business as usual and it is vital that the support being offered is only accessed by those who absolutely require it. Your assistance is making this clear is appreciated. The council is taking every step possible to ensure only staff who must be at work to provide critical services are at work.