At the end of March, I reconvened the Motherwell and Wishaw Poverty Action Network (PAN). At a time when a cost of living and mental health crisis shows no signs of letting up, elected officials must innovate and find ways to make life easier for folk across the country.
That is what PAN is all about: taking care and looking after our community. As your MP, I know I alone can’t solve every issue we face. However, I can use my engagement and connections with community organisations that aim to help people – from employability issues to mental health – to better support people’s needs.
We heard from various local and national organisations who have been working hard to tackle poverty. The network provides an opportunity to connect, share best practices and discuss approaches on dealing with complex cases.
This month’s Poverty Action Network included a presentation from the Showmen’s Guild of Great Britain – Scottish Section. The presentation provided an overview of the organisation’s work in helping men with their mental health.
Thank you to One Parent Families Scotland, Routes to Work, Remploy, Social Security Scotland, CAP – Christians Against Poverty, Friends & Families Affected by Murder & Suicide (FFAMS), LAMH, Family Fund, The Wise Group, Thistle Credit Union and Centrica for all of your work and for attending.
If you or your organisation would like to present a topic demonstrating how you are tackling poverty, please get in touch!