My office has reopened for 2023 please see Contact Me page for details.
See below for useful contact numbers.
Dial 999 immediately if you require emergency fire and rescue, police or ambulance.
Non-emergency police reporting and advice is available from Police Scotland on 101.
Non-emergency medical advice is available from NHS 24 on 111.
North Lanarkshire Council 24hr Lines:
- Anti-social Behaviour on 0300 123 1382.
- Homelessness on 0800 953 2424.
- Housing Repairs on 0800 678 1166.
- Social Work on 0800 121 4114.
The winter holidays can be hard. If you need someone to talk to, Samaritans are available on 116 123.
If you experience a power cut, dial 105. If you smell gas, call 0800 111 999.
If your water supply is interrupted, you can report this on 0800 077 8778.
Traveline public transport information is available on 0871 200 22 33.
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