February Newsletter

January Newsletter

Holocaust Memorial Day

I was grateful to speak in what was a very moving debate for Holocaust Memorial Day yesterday. We can never forget what happened and what is still happening across the world. Solidarity with those persecuted and denied basic human rights because of who they are across the world . I also had the opportunity to […]

PMQs: Boris Johnson Must Go

While people in Motherwell and Wishaw, our NHS and other frontline services made sacrifices throughout the pandemic, Boris Johnson was hosting a cheese and wine party in Downing Street. While people were following rules by not visiting family in hospital, missing funerals and weddings, Boris Johnson was putting public health at risk with an illegal […]

Protecting Post Office Numbers

Rather than use my question as an opportunity to talk up the union, communities who are being left without vital Post Office services would rather know what steps the Secretary is taking to protect and grow the Post Office network.

Preventing the Spread of Omicron

The first cases of the Omicron variant have been identified in Scotland with four in Lanarkshire. Scientists are still working to understand the variant. Until more is known we must be cautious and do everything we can to minimise the risk of spreading infection. Therefore, we must all: Take up all vaccinations and booster jabs […]